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Henna Brow Training

What You Need

Midas Henna Brow Styling Course is designed to teach you one of the most popular beauty treatments currently offered within the industry.

This is a natural alternative to other chemical dyes and is plant based making it an appealing option for colouring the brow and creating a more expressive brow. Henna also creates a better skin stain which gives a denser, fuller brow.

You will learn a range of brow-grooming procedures, including hot waxing, and application of henna of the brows, to allow you to competently offer this in-demand treatment from home and/or mobile, creating a natural-looking arches and a defined brow shape for your clients. 

Theory is delivered online with clear diagrams. Consultation and contra-indication guidance is covered in the theory element of the course. Photographs and diagrams ensure this course is both engaging and informative to give you the confidence to perform Henna Brow treatments.

  • Course cost £250.00 (including The Guild Registration)

  • Course cost with kit £370.00

2 cast studies must be complete before certification.

Make-up artist makes markings with white pencil for eyebrow and paints eyebrows. Professional makeup
Henna Brow Training: Service
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